School of Music & Worship

Associate of Arts in Music

About the Program


What to Expect

音乐副学士学生将学习音乐阅读, 歌唱或演奏乐器的技巧, basic music history, conducting, and how to participate in an ensemble. 学生也将有机会从各种各样的音乐选修课程中进行选择.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. 大学作文导论(3小时)
ENG 152. 中级大学作文(3学时)
COM 200. 语言交流概论(3小时)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. 人文学科:从古代到中世纪. 人文:文艺复兴到二十世纪或HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. 视觉艺术鉴赏或任何组合, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. 美国文学概览(英文版. 美国文学概览II或ENG 223. 英国文学概览1或英文227. 英国文学概览II或ENG 224. 基督教文学概览(3小时)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. 商业数学或同等或更高(根据专业)(3小时)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. 西方文明:最早的时代到1700年和HI 212年. 西方文明:1700年至今. 美国历史:探索重建的时代和HI 224. 美国历史:重建到现在OR MH 403. 音乐史和文学:古代到巴洛克和MH 404. 音乐史与文学:古典到二十世纪(根据专业)(6学时)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. 信息技术教育工作者或
MU 202. 敬拜事工的基本技术
MUE 360. 音乐课堂技术:K-12(根据专业)(3小时)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Applied Principal (4 hours)
Applied Secondary (2 hours)
MC 210. Basic Conducting (3 hours)
Ensemble based on principal* (4 hours)
MT 101. Elementary Harmony (3 hours)
MT 102. Intermediate Harmony (3 hours)
MT 103. 视唱及听觉训练I(1小时)
MT 104. 视唱及听觉训练II(1小时)
MT 201. Advanced Harmony I (3 hours)
MT 202. Advanced Harmony II (3 hours)
MUS 101. 独奏实验室(音乐专业每学期)(0学时)
Music Electives (7 hours)
MH 201. Music Literature (2 hours)

MAJOR ...................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Music/Worship ministry associate
  • Part-time choir director
  • Music store personnel
  • Private music teacher

Program Purpose



  1. Application
  2. 要求官方成绩单(高中或任何大学)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Music Education

About the Program

音乐教育学士学位是为计划在公立或私立学校(K-12)从事音乐教学工作的学生设计的。. 该学位由佛罗里达州教育部颁发执照,并导致在音乐领域的公立学校教师执照.

What to Expect

音乐教育学士学位的学生将获得扎实的音乐技能基础, 在表演中,在唱歌或演奏乐器中, in music history, piano, conducting, ensemble experience, 并在专业的音乐教育技能和知识. During the program, 学生将在准备认证考试方面获得帮助,并将参加考试作为学位课程的一部分.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

MA 220. Finite Mathematics (3 hours)
MH 403. 音乐史:古代到巴洛克(3小时)*
MH 404. 音乐史:古典到20世纪(3小时)*
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science. (3 hours)
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom. (3 hours)*


Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. 大学作文导论(3小时)
ENG 152. 中级大学作文(3学时)
COM 200. 语言交流概论(3小时)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. 人文学科:从古代到中世纪. 人文:文艺复兴到二十世纪或HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. 视觉艺术鉴赏或任何组合, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. 美国文学概览(英文版. 美国文学概览II或ENG 223. 英国文学概览1或英文227. 英国文学概览II或ENG 224. 基督教文学概览(3小时)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. 商业数学或同等或更高(根据专业)(3小时)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. 西方文明:最早的时代到1700年和HI 212年. 西方文明:1700年至今. 美国历史:探索重建的时代和HI 224. 美国历史:重建到现在OR MH 403. 音乐史和文学:古代到巴洛克和MH 404. 音乐史与文学:古典到二十世纪(根据专业)(6学时)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. 信息技术教育工作者或
MU 202. 敬拜事工的基本技术
MUE 360. 音乐课堂技术:K-12(根据专业)(3小时)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Music Core
MT 101. Elementary Harmony (3 hours)
MT 102. Intermediate Harmony (3 hours)
MT 103. Sight Singing/Ear Training I (1 hour)
MT 104. Sight Singing/Ear Training II (1 hour)
MT 201. Advanced Harmony I (3 hours)
MT 202. Advanced Harmony II (3 hours)
MT 203. 视唱/听觉训练III(1小时)
MT 204. Sight Singing/Ear Training IV (1 hour)
MH 201. Music Literature (2 hours)
MH 302. 世界音乐文化与使命(2小时)
MH 403. 音乐史:古代到巴洛克(3小时)*
MH 404. 音乐史:古典到20世纪(3小时)*

Ensembles (7 hours)
ME音乐合奏| 7学时(7学时)**

MC 210. Basic Conducting (3 hours)
MC 310. 高级合唱指挥及文学(3小时-只适用于合唱专业)
MC 410. 高级器乐指挥和文学(3小时-只适用于器乐专业)

Applied Secondary (4 hours)
MUS 101. 独奏实验室|音乐专业每学期(0学时)
MUS 460. Senior Recital (0 hours)
MG 115. Class Guitar (1 hour)

Professional Education
EDU 2005. 基础与教育课程(3学时)
EDU 3015. Survey of Special Education (3 hours)
EDU 3020. Measurement and Evaluation (3 hours)
ESOL 3710. ESOL Curriculum and Methods (3 hours)
RED 3005. 阅读基础:早期读写能力(3小时)
RED 3006. Disciplinary Literacy (3 hours)


Choral Music Education Concentration
MUE 211. 音乐教育概论(3学时)
MUE 350. 初级音乐课堂教材与方法(3学时)
MUE 351. 中学合唱音乐课堂教材与方法(3学时)
MUE 360. 音乐教室技术K-12(3小时)*

MUE 353. 教授铜管乐器和木管乐器(2小时)或MUE 354. 弦乐器及打击乐器教学(2小时)
MV 411. Vocal Pedagogy (2 hours)
MUE 490. 音乐教育实习(12学时)

MUE 211. 音乐教育概论(3学时)
MUE 352. 中学器乐课堂教材与方法(3学时)
MUE 353. 铜管乐器及木管乐器教学(2小时)
MUE 354. 弦乐器及打击乐器教学(2小时)
MUE 355. Marching Band Techniques (1 hour)
MUE 360. 音乐教室技术K-12(3小时)*
MT 405. Orchestration (2 hours)
MUE 490. 音乐教育实习(12学时)

MAJOR....................................................85 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • 佛罗里达州K-12学校的音乐老师
  • Music teacher in private schools

Program Purpose



  1. Application
  2. 要求官方成绩单(高中或任何大学)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Arts in Music

B.A. in Music Program

音乐文学学士是为希望灵活的音乐学位课程的学生设计的,包括基础音乐技能,如音乐阅读, 用声音或乐器演奏, 并且还包括大量的小时,学生可以根据兴趣或预期的职业道路选择音乐课程. In addition, 学位课程允许其他学科的课程, such as ministry, business leadership, or education.

What to Expect

音乐学士学位的学生将接受重要的音乐阅读训练, 在演奏中选择乐器, music history, conducting, and ensemble experience. 学生有机会在选择的领域获得技能和知识, such as music education, worship ministry, music technology, 以及各种仪器的指导.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

MH 403. 音乐史:古代到巴洛克(3小时)*
MH 404. 音乐史:古典到20世纪(3小时)*
SCI 201. 生物科学概论(3小时)
MU 202. 敬拜事工基本技术(3小时)或MUE 360. 音乐课堂的技术(3小时)

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. 大学作文导论(3小时)
ENG 152. 中级大学作文(3学时)
COM 200. 语言交流概论(3小时)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. 人文学科:从古代到中世纪. 人文:文艺复兴到二十世纪或HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. 视觉艺术鉴赏或任何组合, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. 美国文学概览(英文版. 美国文学概览II或ENG 223. 英国文学概览1或英文227. 英国文学概览II或ENG 224. 基督教文学概览(3小时)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. 商业数学或同等或更高(根据专业)(3小时)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. 西方文明:最早的时代到1700年和HI 212年. 西方文明:1700年至今. 美国历史:探索重建的时代和HI 224. 美国历史:重建到现在OR MH 403. 音乐史和文学:古代到巴洛克和MH 404. 音乐史与文学:古典到二十世纪(根据专业)(6学时)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. 信息技术教育工作者或
MU 202. 敬拜事工的基本技术
MUE 360. 音乐课堂技术:K-12(根据专业)(3小时)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Music Theory (16 hours)
MT 101. Elementary Harmony (3 hours)
MT 102. Intermediate Harmony (3 hours)
MT 103. Sight Singing Ear Training I (1 hour)
MT 104. Sight Singing Ear Training II (1 hour)
MT 201. Advanced Harmony I (3 hours)
MT 202. Advanced Harmony II (3 hours)
MT 203. 视唱及听觉训练III(1小时)
MT 204. 视唱及听觉训练IV(1小时)

Conducting (6 hours)
MC 210. Basic Conducting (3 hours)
MC 310. 高级合唱指挥和文学(3小时)或mc410. 高级乐器指挥与文学(3小时)

Music History (8 hours)
MH 201. Music Literature (2 hours)
MH 403. 音乐史:古代到巴洛克(3小时)*
MH 404. 音乐史:古典到20世纪(3小时)*

Applied Music (12 hours)
MUS 101. Recital Lab (0 hours; each semester)
MUS 460. Senior Recital (0 hours)
Ensembles (8 hours)

Music Electives............................................................................ (13 hours)

MAJOR....................................................54 SEM/HOURS

General Electives

GENERAL ELECTIVES .............................18 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Concert artist
  • 教会同工,既有音乐方面的责任,也有牧养方面的责任
  • Private music teacher
  • Studio session player
  • Private school music teacher

Program Purpose

音乐文学学士学位旨在为毕业生提供坚实的音乐知识基础,为音乐事工做准备, vocations of various types, and graduate study.


  1. Application
  2. 要求官方成绩单(高中或任何大学)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores


B.M. in Worship Leadership Program


What to Expect

敬拜领导音乐学士学位的学生将获得扎实的音乐技能基础,如音乐阅读, 唱歌或演奏乐器的能力, conducting, functional piano, 以及在敬拜事工和神学方面取得成功的必要方面, leadership, technology, and administration.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

MH 403. 音乐史:古代到巴洛克(3小时)*
MH 404. 音乐史:古典到20世纪(3小时)*
SCI 201. 生物科学概论(3小时)
MU 202. 敬拜事工基本技术(3小时)或MUE 360. 音乐课堂的技术(3小时)

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. 大学作文导论(3小时)
ENG 152. 中级大学作文(3学时)
COM 200. 语言交流概论(3小时)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. 人文学科:从古代到中世纪. 人文:文艺复兴到二十世纪或HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. 视觉艺术鉴赏或任何组合, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. 美国文学概览(英文版. 美国文学概览II或ENG 223. 英国文学概览1或英文227. 英国文学概览II或ENG 224. 基督教文学概览(3小时)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. 商业数学或同等或更高(根据专业)(3小时)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. 西方文明:最早的时代到1700年和HI 212年. 西方文明:1700年至今. 美国历史:探索重建的时代和HI 224. 美国历史:重建到现在OR MH 403. 音乐史和文学:古代到巴洛克和MH 404. 音乐史与文学:古典到二十世纪(根据专业)(6学时)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. 信息技术教育工作者或
MU 202. 敬拜事工的基本技术
MUE 360. 音乐课堂技术:K-12(根据专业)(3小时)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Music Theory (16 hours)
MT 101. Elementary Harmony (3 hours)
MT 102. Intermediate Harmony (3 hours)
MT 103. Sight Singing Ear Training I (1 hour)
MT 104. Sight Singing Ear-Training II (1 hour)
MT 201. Advanced Harmony I (3 hours)
MT 202. Advanced Harmony II (3 hours)
MT 203. 视唱及听觉训练III(1小时)
MT 204. 视唱及听觉训练IV(1小时)

Conducting (9 hours)
MC 210. Basic Conducting (3 hours)
MC 310. 高级合唱指挥及文学(3小时)
MC 410. 高级乐器指挥与文学(3小时)

Music History (8 hours)
MH 201. Music Literature (2 hours)
MH 403. 音乐史:古代到巴洛克(3小时)*
MH 404. 音乐史:古典到20世纪(3小时)*

Applied Music (14 hours)
MUS 101. Recital Lab (0 hours; each semester)

Ensembles (8 hours)
ME音乐合奏| 8学时(8学时)**

Worship Concentration Core (14 hours)
MU 300. Foundations for Worship (3 hours)
MU 404. Worship Leadership Practice (3 hours)
MU 208. 敬拜小组及韵律组领导(3小时)
MU 402. 敬拜事工的先进技术(3小时)
MV 411. Vocal Pedagogy (2 hours)

MG 215. 当代敬拜吉他(2小时)
MU 401. Use of Arts in Worship (2 hours)
MT 405. Orchestration (2 hours)
MU 409. 作曲及编曲(2小时)
MH 302. 世界音乐文化与使命(2小时)
MU 207. Worship Ministry Field Study (2 hours)
*(适用于校长或副校长不在本校的学生, 2小时内本节必须应用语音.)

Field Experiences (2 hours)
MU 203. Worship Ministry Practicum I (1 hour)
MU 204. Worship Ministry Practicum II (1 hour)

Summative Experiences (2 hours)
MU 415. Field Experience Practicum (2 hours)
MU 420. Senior Recital Project (0 hours

MAJOR....................................................69 SEM/HOURS

Special notes:
所有音乐专业的学生都将进入MUS 101. 他们每学期都在BCF注册.

Potential Career Paths

  • Worship pastor
  • Minister of music
  • Worship ministry associate
  • Worship technology director

Program Purpose

敬拜领导音乐学士学位旨在为毕业生成为敬拜牧师的成功职业做好准备, ministers of music, music media and technology ministers, or Christian artists and performers.

B.M. 在敬拜领导课程入学要求 

  1. Application
  2. 要求官方成绩单(高中或任何大学)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Master of Arts in Music & Worship Leadership

M.A. in Music & Worship Leadership Program

音乐和敬拜领导艺术硕士课程是为敬拜事工专业人士设计的,他们希望在管理方面得到额外的培训和技能, worship technology, 并有研究与敬拜事工相关的兴趣领域的研究生水平的经验.

What to Expect

音乐和敬拜领导艺术硕士课程的学生将获得研究生水平的音乐技能, in worship theology and practice, in supervised internships, 在研究和写作方面也达到了硕士水平.

Degree Requirements

CORE REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 9 HOURS

GR 501. 研究生研究导论(3小时)
MS 610. Music Internship (3 hours)
GR 682. 综合考试及论文/专题准备(0学时)
Choose One:
MS 689. Recital Project (3 hours)
MS 690. 音乐与敬拜毕业论文(3小时)

WORSHIP LEADERSHIP.................................. 9 HOURS

WL 501. 圣经敬拜基础(3小时)
WL 502. 基督教音乐与敬拜历史(3小时)
WL 607. 音乐敬拜事工行政(3小时)

MUSICAL STUDIES ......................................... 12 HOURS

MS 502. 教会声乐教学(3小时)
MS 503. Worship Service Leadership (3 hours)
MS 504. Advanced Ensemble Leadership (3 hours)
MS 604. 高级敬拜事工技术(3小时)

TOTAL.............................................................. 30 HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Worship pastor
  • Minister of music
  • Worship ministry associate
  • College worship ministry instructor

Program Purpose

音乐与敬拜领导艺术硕士是一个以研究和实践为导向的学位,旨在为职业敬拜牧师提供装备, church musicians, 以及其他渴望在学术研究方面发展先进技能的基督教工作者, 理解和应用敬拜的神学基础, worship leadership, musicianship, and professional administration.

M.A. in Music & 敬拜领导课程入学要求 

  1. Application
  2. 要求官方成绩单(来自任何就读的大学)
  3. GRE考试(本科GPA 2分.5 or lower)
  4. 音乐与敬拜领导文学硕士(MAMWL)申请者必须拥有地区认可的音乐学士学位, music education, contemporary worship, 或者其他有音乐倾向的研究领域.  In addition, 申请者必须具备学士学位水平的音乐理论知识和熟练程度, music history, 并通过北卡罗来纳大学音乐系的测试和试听.


Degrees by Academic Division



SCHOOL of Arts & Sciences


Spangenberg School of Business


School of Music & Worship


School of Education


School of Theology & MINISTRY